#5 Raindrop Zip Pull – Black

$1.20 inc. GST

Listing includes:
  • 4 x black colour Zipper Pulls
  • Zipper tape IS NOT included in this listing.

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SKU: ZIPPULL_RD_BLK Category: Tags: , , ,


#5 Raindrop Zip Pull – Black

Gorgeous #5 raindrop zip pull in Black now available for separate purchase in packs of 4.

They DO NOT have a pin lock so aren’t suitable for clothing however the plating quality remains laundry safe.

Listing includes:
  • 4 x black colour Zipper Pulls
  • Zipper tape IS NOT included in this listing.

Find the Betty Box Pleat #5 nylon metal look zipper tape – Black here.

For zipper tape and 4 pulls look here.

We’ve included a tutorial in the picture section to demonstrate how to attach your zip pulls to the zipper tape.

Attachment Instructions are:
  1. Trim the top edge of the zip tape to a straight edge
  2. Pull the teeth open about 5cm (2″), enough for you to work with, you can make it larger if this is easier for you to manage.
  3. Slide one side of your zipper tape into one side of your zip pull.
    • Stop just where the sides of the pull begin to narrow and the side edges begin.
    • Don’t go all the way to the base of the pull at this time, let the zipper pull do the work for you.
  4. Insert the other side of the tape to the exact same point on the zip pull so the top edges of the tape line up.
  5. Using your fingers, push on the base of the zip pull whilst moving the tape through the sides.
  6. Once the tape has made it evenly to the base of the pull, place the tape and pull onto a flat surface.
  7. Hold the tape down with two fingers and pull the zipper pull onto the tape, completing your zipper!

To make a double zip, repeat these steps on the other end of your tape and meet in the middle.

Trouble shooting:
  • The biggest problem is inserting the zipper tape (step 3) too far along the length of the pull when you’re first attaching it.
    • If this happens you’ll fight the pull the whole way, best to stop, pull the zip pull off and start again. Trim any uneven edges. You want the tape to stop just past (1-2mm) where the side edges begin. Let the pull do the work for you, its internal design takes over at this point.
  • Tapes are uneven.
    • Ensure the tapes are in alignment at step 3 and maintain an even pushing/pulling action in step 5

Additional information


Betty Box Pleat




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